
Vegan Bacon Butter Brown Sugar Bites

Vegan Bacon Butter Crackers

Ok, ok, ok….hear me out if you think this is a weird idea. Also try and say Vegan Bacon Butter Brown Sugar Bites threes times fast!

These are basically crunchy candied vegan bacon crackers. They are sweet, smoky, salty and perfectly crunchy.

They are SO easy to make and really kind of addictive.

My sister in law’s sister, Heather, who is as good as family to me, posted a non vegan version of this the other day. It popped up in my Face Book feed and I literally JUMPED out of my seat and had these babies in my oven within 10 minutes.

It’s the holiday season so I am always looking for new, EASY, recipes for taking to parties, or dinners, or whatever. These are them!

The recipe you needed when you are too busy ( that would be all of us, am I right) to do much else. These vegan bacon butter bites are just the recipe we all needed! You could use whatever vegan bacon you prefer. I like Lightlife smart bacon and it worked very well for this recipe and oddly enough Ritz cracker are actually vegan.

Hooray who would have thought?!?!. So go ahead and bake yourself up a batch of these first, just so you can, you know “quality control” taste test them, then bake up a batch the next time you need a super quick and easy party snack to share.


  • 1 sleeve vegan butter crackers. You can use round or rectangle crackers

  • 1 package vegan bacon, we used Lightlife

  • Brown sugar, 1 teaspoon per cracker

  • A pinch of salt


preheat oven to 350 degrees.

  1. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Place the cracker on the sheep spaced out so they are not crowded.

  2. Cut uncooked bacon slices to fit whatever size cracker you are using. I cut my bacon into thirds for the round crackers and the pieces fit nicely. Place one piece of bacon on each cracker.

  3. Spread 1 teaspoon of brown sugar over each cracker. Sprinkle a little salt over the tops of all the crackers.

  4. Bake for 20-25 minutes, or until all of the brown sugar has melted and is bubbly. Allow crackers to cool completely before serving. Store in an airtight container at room temperature.

If you like this recipe, try these:

Vegan Bacon Butter Crackers

Super easy vegan bacon butter brown sugar crakers